Our Favorite Books by Latinx Creators
Here at ColorPop Books, one of our favorite things to do is connect children with diverse picture books that show them their stories and experiences matter. Just as important, especially for young readers, is seeing who’s behind the books: the authors and illustrators who share their experiences and show them that anything is possible. We’ve put together a list of our favorite representative kids' books by Latinx authors and illustrators that’ll inspire the kids in your life, both during Latinx Heritage Month and beyond.
Alma and How She Got Her Name, written by Juana Martinez-Neal
Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela’s name is longer than all the other kids’ — much, much longer. It’s so long she’s afraid it won’t fit when she writes it down on the page. But when her dad tells her the story behind each part of her name, Alma realizes just how special she really is. Born in Lima, Perú, Juana Martinez-Neal spotlights the beauty of her own Latinx heritage with this heartfelt book.
Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match, written by Monica Brown
With her flaming red hair and nut-brown skin, Peruvian-Scottish-American girl Marisol McDonald doesn’t fit neatly into a box – and that’s just fine with her. Based on the author’s real life experiences as a mestiza Peruvian of European, Jewish, and Amerindian descent, Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match celebrates the pains and, ultimately, the joys of not fitting in.
Dancing Hands: How Teresa Carreño Played the Piano For President Lincoln, illustrated by Rafael López
Award-winning Mexican muralist and illustrator Rafael López is behind the gorgeous imagery of Dancing Hands, a true story about pianist Teresa Carreño as she flees from violence in her childhood home of Venezuela to a Civil War-torn United States. When President Abraham Lincoln asks her to play at the White House, she’ll have to draw on her courage and her heritage to play for her new country, and herself.
Just Ask!, written by Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael López
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor joins the world of representative children’s books to give us Just Ask!, a book about how your unique abilities and point of view make the world around you as beautiful as a community garden full of different flowers. Just Ask! is a comforting tale celebrating curiosity and diversity and is brought to life by the lively illustrations of Mexican muralist Rafael López.
Looking for even more incredible Latinx protagonists, authors, and illustrators? Check out our Latinx Voices bundle to find the kid in your life a book they’ll love!